
SkyOS - Blockchain Development Distribution

SkyOS is a Linux distribution tailor-made for blockchain and Web3 development, designed to provide developers with a seamless environment for building decentralized applications. Based on the Deepin desktop environment, SkyOS offers a user-friendly interface and comes preloaded with essential tools and repositories. This guide provides an overview of the preinstalled content, configured repositories, and additional dependencies included in SkyOS.

Preinstalled Libraries and Tools

  1. IPFS (InterPlanetary File System):

  2. Truffle Suite:

  3. Brave Browser:

Configured Repositories

  1. Ethereum Repository:

    • Tools and libraries to interact with the Ethereum network.

  2. IPFS Repository:

    • Access to IPFS utilities and libraries.

  3. Truffle Repository:

    • Facilitates the installation and updating of Truffle and its components.

  4. Hardhat Repository:

    • Packages necessary for Ethereum development with Hardhat.

  5. Web3.js Repository:

    • Provides the latest versions of Web3.js and its dependencies.

  6. Brave Browser Repository:

    • Includes the Brave browser with its preinstalled cryptographic wallet.

Additional Dependencies

  1. Git:

    • Distributed version control system.

    • Website: Git

  2. Visual Studio Code (VSCode):

    • Source code editor with support for multiple languages.

    • Website: VSCode

  3. Node.js:

    • Platform for running server-side JavaScript.

    • Website: Node.js

  4. NPM (Node Package Manager):

    • Package manager for Node.js.

    • Website: NPM

Preinstalled Browser Favorites

  1. Ethereum Official Website:

  2. IPFS Official Website:

These tools, repositories, and preinstalled browser favorites empower developers to start blockchain and Web3 projects immediately. SkyOS eliminates the need for manual dependency installation and configuration, offering a hassle-free environment for efficient and productive development.

Note: This information is subject to change, and users are encouraged to check official websites for the latest updates.

Last updated